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Forum de la guilde Illidan Crusade du serveur Suramar-Eu
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PC portable MSI Gaming Pulse 16” -Ultra7 155H -16Go/512 Go
1299 € 1599 €
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 I am new at this so am trying to catch up.

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I am new at this so am trying to catch up. Empty
MessageSujet: I am new at this so am trying to catch up.   I am new at this so am trying to catch up. Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 8:22

Hello. Like buddy "arniebear" said, don't use all CAPS, it is against the rule here at AD and it is consider shouting.I, for one, never set DVD Shrink to "auto" burn with Nero whenever I used DVD Shrink to transcode or compress any of my movies. I've always set DVD Shrink to transcode and save my VIDEO_TS file into my hard drive. Once DVD Shrink is done, I'll burn with Nero Burning Rom afterward. I've come to conclusion that with the settings via DVD Shrink to "auto" burn with Nero is likely to encounter more issues than manually burn with Nero Burning Rom or Nero Express once DVD Shrink is done.However, the choice is yours.
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I am new at this so am trying to catch up.
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